Privacy & Cookies

Moody EasyView Srl - with its legal headquarters in Via Carlo Vizzotto 14, 30027 San Donà di Piave (VE), ITALY - provider of the services and activities available in the web site moodyeyewear.com, may use the personal data, voluntarily provided by the User, as per the laws in force: Article 13 of Italian Law 196/2003.

Users are invited to visit this page periodically, for information according to updated laws and regulations.



moodyeyewear.com collects personal information when you place an order, or register for a service offered by moodyeyewear.com, by registering you are consenting to the collection of your personal data.

If an order is placed with us, we need to hold personal information including your name, email address, phone numbers, home address, shipping and credit/debit card billing address(es) so that we can process and fulfill your order. Saved card details will never be shared with third parties and will only be used to process your order, using our payment partner's systems.

The rejection to provide this given mandatory data will prevent Moody EasyView Srl to pursue the services offered by the website such as succeeding in processing an order or succeeding in sending the newsletters.




Our site uses cookies, which we can access when you visit our site in future.

Functionality cookies enable you to browse the website and use our features such as shopping baskets and wish lists.

Analytics cookies are used for example by Google Analytics in order to carry out statistical analyses of how users use our website through their computers. This allows us to continuously improve our website and your shopping experience.

Customer preference cookies. When browsing or shopping online, the website will remember preferences you make

Targeting cookies or advertising cookies. These cookies are used to deliver adverts relevant to you. In addition, they limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as helping us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

By using our website you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device and access them when you visit the site in the future.

If you want to delete any cookies most web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings, including the disabling of cookies at any time.

Moody EasyView Srl may use your personal information for the processing of orders, payments and to provide you with a personalized shopping experience.
We will also use your details to fulfill and deliver your orders and manage your account.
We may also use your personal information to send you marketing updates but only ever in accordance with your preferences.
We do not sell your details to third party marketing companies.
We do collate information about site traffic, sales, wish lists, and other commercial information which we may pass on to third parties but this information does not include any information which can identify you personally.
Finally, we may use your personal information for our internal marketing and demographic studies, together with non-personal data to monitor customer patterns so we can consistently improve our site design to better meet our visitors' needs.
For any questions, customers can contact moodyeyewear.com’s Customer Service by sending an email to info@moodyeyewear.com.
Moody EasyView Srl guarantees that the treatment of personal data will be restricted to the use strictly necessary to provide its services, to manage the website and to process orders.
In no way, will the personal data be diffused or communicated. All treatment of information will be pursued by Moody EasyView Srl will be realised with paper and electronic instruments solely in accordance with the relevant data protection laws.
Furthermore, Moody EasyView Srl informs its Users are protected Article 7 of the Italian Law n. 196/2003.
Users can reserve the right to request the following information from Moody EasyView Srl:
  • The confirmation of the existence of personal data relative to the User.
  • The clear communication of the data together with their source.
  • The motives and the finality of their use.